
a love for inspiring care


Birchy Hill in late September


21 September

We gathered today to say goodbye to our chef, Alan, who is retiring.

Alan worked for 10 years at Birchy Hill. However, he promised he will still support us every now and again, in times of need.

Thank you for your service Alan, wishing you a long and enjoyable retirement!

22 September – Birchy Come Dancing! 

How else could the National Fitness Day be celebrated other than with a dance competition, enjoyable for everybody, residents and staff?

Our 6 members of staff who bravely enrolled in the competition are Grace, Dilsa, Payal, Valentina, Ashish, and Sibi. The compilation of songs covered a big range of rhythms like salsa, conga, tango, waltz, country-western, twist, rock’n’roll, traditional ones from Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and the well-known Sirtaki (from the movie Zorba the Greek).

Mark and Dana opened the competition dancing the waltz.

All residents in the audience were invited to a sit’n’dance, and 5 of them were the judges. The last ones took their role very seriously!

Sun, drinks, dance, lots of laughs, awards, and prizes for competitors made a memorable day for all of us.

Thank you all for organising, supporting, and participating!


27 September

A very much enjoyed musical afternoon at Birchy Hill.

‘Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.’ – Plato

Of course, that’s not all that happened in September, we did all of this too…

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