Fundraising for a Reindeer at Orchid Care Home

Orchid Care Home are fundraising to bring a reindeer into the Home at Christmas.

Here is their fundraising status at present

Dawn at Orchid Care Home would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported her and this venture

Well done to all for your support in this wonderful project

Becoming a Dignity Champion

Orchid Care Home have signed up to The Dignity Pledge and many staff have signed up to become a Dignity Champion

Becoming a Dignity Champion

Updated on 23/04/2016

A Dignity Champion is someone who believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that care services must be compassionate, person centred, as well as efficient, and are willing to try to do something to achieve this. So far over 70,000 people have signed up to be Dignity Champions, all pledging to challenge poor care, to act as good role models and, through specific guidelines issued by the campaign, to educate and inform all those working around them.

Orchid Care Home Celebrating Dignity Day 2017

Our Team of Senior Carers did a presentation and talk on Dignity and Respect for the Residents.

Cream Tea was served in the café area and Staff, Relatives and Residents chatted about the importance of maintaining self-respect and being treated with Dignity by everyone that we come into contact with.

Newlands Dignity Day 2017

The Residents at Newlands Care Home joined in celebrating Dignity Day 2017.

They made paper mache and enjoyed all songs from MICHAEL BUBLE AS THEY REQUESTED.

They prepared containers to grow seedlings into flowers to have in their bedrooms and watch as they bloom