Hydrate Event at Windy Ridge

Windyridge Care Home has made a commitment to the hydration charter.

The Clients are all enjoying exploring the new and varied styles of drinks and initiatives taking place in the home, including smoothies and mocktails


Twiddle Muffs at Birchy Hill

On Wednesday 1st March 2017, Pam Smith, the President of Sway Women’s Institute, visited Birchy Hill together with the members Jo Cryer and Wendy Collyer.

A big “Thank You” goes to the group of ladies from the Sway Women’s Institute, who had knitted and donated  to us 25 twiddle muffs for our Residents.

People with Dementia often have restless hands and like to have something to keep their hands occupied.

Twiddle muffs are knitted muffs with several different items attached (materials, buttons, textures, ribbons, little bells a.s.o.) so that they can twiddle them in their hands.

The ladies whilst they were here, took the opportunity to have a look around and complimented us on our warm and friendly Home. They were impressed with regards to “How much time the Staff took to care for the Residents”

They also liked “How we are celebrating special events like Easter, Christmas and New Year”.

I informed them that our summer Garden Fête is a regular and much enjoyed event and throughout the year other social occasions appear regularly to enable us all to meet and enjoy time together.

On their way out they congratulated Mark, our Manager, on our wonderful Home.

On behalf of Angel Care, I would like to thank these ladies for their time and their donations


We are proud to announce the introduction to our “HIGH FLYERS AWARD”, this award is to recognise the contribution our staff make to the business.

We at Angel Care and MNS Care understand our business is built by our staff, we are only as strong as our staff, our staffs are the key to our success. Therefore we want to show our staff how much we appreciate them. After a consultation period it was decided to introduce a certificate and pin. This award can be given for anything outstanding, when someone goes above and beyond; we wish to thank them with this award.

The job our staff do is an exceptional hard job, in every care home regularly a staff member will stand out amongst the crowd, this award will enable us to recognise their contribution and formally thank them.

Chocolates Galore

At Orchid Care Home, they were given a box of chocolates and not just a normal size

What can one say “WOW” – here is a box of chocolates

Which one would be your favourite?