Newlands Jewish Care Home recently celebrated Chanukah

(The Festival of Lights) with the lighting of candles in a Menorah (Candelabra)

Every evening for 8 days. Our Residents took it in turns to kindle 1 light

Each night with 8 shining brightly on the last night. Concerts and entertainment was held every afternoon with keyboard players and singers.

During the week leading up to Christmas, we had 3 concerts with entertainers playing and singing seasonal music with many of our Residents joining in and singing along to all the well known tunes.


Eva Kay celebrated her 105th birthday on 13th January 2018 together with her Family . A party was held in her honour – unfortunately we couldn’t find a cake big enough to fit 105 candles .

We also had a photographer from the Jewish Chronicle which is a national newspaper also came along to take pictures of Eva and her Family

Joanne our Manager asked Eva “what her secret was to get to such a ripe old age” to which Eva replied ” you just keep going ”

Congratulations to Eva from all at Angel Care PLC