2017 UK Dementia congress

Held in Doncaster at the Race course on the 7th 8th and 9th November 2017

Gillian Robinson Operations Director for both MNS Care and Angel Care attended the Congress, and was accompanied by Helen Woodman, Manager of Windy Ridge.

There were many new innovations and concepts, along with keeping up to date with latest research into Alzheimer’s disease. Gill and Helen attended many of the workshops, therefore ensuring best practise and new innovations are adopted into our Company.

Gill and Helen also attended the many speeches and cast their vote in the debate about funding for Dementia, Care research and Cure and Treatment research.

Both found the Congress useful and inspiring.

Workshops attended included:

End of Life Care for People with Advanced Dementia

Human Rights

Activity’s for Care Homes

Adaptive Interactions

Training and Supporting Care Workers.